丝路天文讲坛第六十一讲1 Robertus Erdelyi 教授--英国谢菲尔德大学 2刘佳佳教授-

报告题目:1.SolarActivityMonitorNetwork(SAMNet)-Nextstepinground-basedSpaceWeatherforecasting 2.第24太阳活动周的日冕喷流 报告人:RobertusErdelyi教授英国谢菲尔德大学、刘佳佳 教授中国科学技术大学 报告摘要一: Space Weather storms, in the forms of e.g. flares and Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), are one of the greatest risks to our technosphere. The question is not anymore whether but when a large solar eruption may disrupt the functioning of our technology-driven socio-economic system. Therefore we need to develop a suitable and accurate warning system that can reliable predict these larges eruptions in our Solar System. This is a great challenge and there may be various solutions. Here, I will introduce one: The Solar Activity Magnetic Monitor (SAMM) Network (SAMNet). SAMNet is a UK-lead international consortium of ground-based solar telescope stations. SAMNet, at its full capacity, will continuously monitor the intensity, LoS component of magnetic and Doppler velocity fields at multiple heights in the lower solar atmosphere, i.e. from the photosphere to the upper chromosphere. SAMM sentinels with identical telescopes equipped with magneto-optical filter (MOFs) may take observations in K~I and Na~D spectral bands. 报告摘要二: 作为太阳大气活动中的常见现象,喷流的爆发和演化常代表着磁场能量的剧烈和缓慢释放。在本报告中,我将简要介绍我们在过去几年间在喷流爆发能量分配以及kink不稳定性在喷流爆发过程中的作用等方面的工作。然后详细介绍我们利用计算机视觉和机器学习算法新近开发的日面边缘喷流(半)自动识别算法。利用该算法,我们识别了第24太阳活动周超过2000例日冕喷流事件。统计分析表明,这些喷流的能量遵循与耀斑和日冕物质抛射类似的幂律分布,说明太阳上这些不同尺度的爆发活动背后隐含着统一的物理规律。同时,我们得到了首张喷流分布蝴蝶图,表明日冕喷流与耀斑、日冕物质抛射等大尺度爆发活动一样受到太阳活动周的强烈调制。 报告人简介一: Master in Physics/Astronomy (1988), in History (1991). PhD in Applied Maths1996 (Belgium). CSc (one higher than PhD) 1997 (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) PDRA (Armagh Observatory and Univ. of St Andrews); Lecturer from 1998, Univ of Sheffield. Full Professor since 2003. Since 2003 Head of Solar Physics Space Plasma Research Centre (Sheffield). Main research area: solar MHD waves and oscillations, solar magneto-seismology, plasma heating. Space Weather. Photovoltaic solar panels, climate modelling. Over 350 refereed papers (9xNature Inc, 3xScience, 7xSpace Science Rev); H-factor: 60. Citations over 12000 Had about 55 PhD students, over 30 postdocs. Total raised grant: about GBP30M. 报告人简介二: 刘佳佳,中国科学技术大学特任教授、深空探测实验室深空科学研究院太阳和行星探测研究室副主任,2021年入选国家海外高层次青年人才计划,国际空间天气和空间气候AlexanderChizhevskyMedal首位华人获奖者。曾获邀赴英国下议院做报告并当选英国皇家天文学会太阳物理委员会首位华人委员。现任国际空间天气和空间气候奖评委和奖项委员会、国际天文联合会天文发展办公室评委以及《DiscoverSpace》期刊编辑。负责国家自然科学基金面上项目和中科院战略先导科技专项课题各一项。担任科技部重点研发计划课题骨干以及宜居性光谱特征探测卫星计划(论证)科学PI。主要研究方向为太阳多尺度活动现象的物理规律和空间天气效应。发表SCI论文50余篇,总引用1100余次。 报告时间:2024年03月04日 11:00(星期一) 报告地点:台本部南楼210会议室作者:
